TDF 2024: Key days and most important ports

Fans esperando a la carrera en uno de los míticos recorridos del Tour de Francia

The Tour de France, the carrera most important and most anticipated cycling event in the world, returns in 2024 in one of the most open editions in recent memory, both for the line-up of favorites and the time at which they arrive and for the route, which for the first time will not end in Paris and we will have excitement until the last stage with a 30km individual time trial.

This edition promises strong emotions and unforgettable moments, highlighting some of the most mythical climbs that will undoubtedly turn the general classification upside down. Below, we will explore the key passes that will define the fate of this legendary stage. carrera and will capture the attention of fans from all over the world.

First week: "The calm before the storm".

In this edition, we will have a "calm" first week as far as the high mountains are concerned. This does not mean that there will be no spectacle and surprises. The nerves of the first days, the struggle of the "outsider" teams to surprise in a breakaway, the need of the "sprinters" teams to add victories and, why not, some unexpected demolition of the favorites (it would not be strange considering the current trend), can turn any quiet day on paper into a real carnage.

July 2, Galibier, "the appetizer": As a first contact with the high mountains, we'll have to wait until stage 4 with the ascent of the legendary Col du Galibier. A pass of 23 km at 5% that has witnessed the greatest feats in the history of cycling. Crowning 19 km from the finish line, it can certainly be the first tree shake of the favorites. It is also not ruled out that the GC teams will try to infiltrate gregarios in the breakaway to help on the long and fast descent in case the "capos" decide to attack.

Second week: "The Pyrenees".

After a "calm" first part of the Tour as far as the high mountains are concerned, we enter a second half that will be a real hell for the sprinters and endless opportunities for the GC men: 6 high mountain stages in the last 10 stages and a CRI with an 8km pass on the last day.

July 14 and 15, Pyrénées-Orientales. The first "queen stage" of the Tour 2024 will take place on July 14 starting from Pau. The passage through the legendary Tourmalet with its 19 km at 7.5% will be the first major judge of the carrera, while the very tough ramps of the Pla d'Adet (11km at an average of 8%) will decide the stage and possibly do a lot of damage in the general classification.

The following day, they will have to face several 1st and 2nd category passes until they reach another historic col: Plateau de Beille. Its 16 km at an average of 8% have been witness to the great feats of Indurain, Mercx, Hinault... And, given the demands of the previous stage and the fatigue that the GC riders will accumulate, it will undoubtedly be a climb that will make a difference.

Last week: "Alpes-Maritimes, the moment of truth".

While the Pyrenees will put the important men of the GC in their place, the Alpes-Maritimes will be the ones to decide this edition of the Gallic round.

July 19, the queen stage. Undoubtedly the most demanding stage of this tour. With 3 HC in just 140 km, the show will be guaranteed from the start. A day with epic dyes that will begin with the ascent of the Col de Vars and its 19km at 6%, an ideal pass to form the breakaway. The hardest pass of the day will follow with the Col de Vars and its 19km at 6%. Col de la Bonettean endless climb of 23km at 7% average gradient that, although perhaps due to the distance to the finish will not be decisive, it will surely serve to eliminate more than one and leave the legs "warm" for the last climb: Isola 2000 and its 16 km at 7%. A last "giant" that, with the accumulated fatigue and its demanding ramps, will surely end up being decisive in the final. carrera.

July 20, "Last chance". Last online stage of the Tour and therefore the last chance for the GC men who have no chance in Sunday's CRI. Whoever wants to try the epic will have an unbeatable opportunity in the 20km at 5% of the Col de Turinibut they will certainly have to think very carefully, because if they don't regulate their strength they will suffer a lot on the last climb of the day, the Col de Turini. Col de la Couillole and its 16 km at 6%.

July 21, "The dessert". In 1989, all of Paris was ready for Laurent Fignon's celebration on the last stage of the Tour. However, an unexpected guest spoiled the party for the French: an American named Greg Lemond took 51 seconds off him in the streets of Paris and silenced a whole country that was waiting for a French victory in the Tour. Since then, the Tour de France decided that the Paris stage would be online so as not to condition the general classification until the last day, something that has been maintained for 35 years.

For the first time in modern history the Tour will not finish in Paris and also for the first time since 35 years the carrera will not end with an online stage. A 30km LRC with the climb to La Turbie (8km at 5%) that can undoubtedly turn the general classification upside down. Will we have surprises again like in 1989? Considering that all the GC favorites are great time trialists, it is very likely that there will be big changes in this last stage.

It will undoubtedly be a different Tour de France, probably full of surprises and that will keep us in suspense throughout the month of July. Welcome to the 3 most beautiful weeks of the year: C'EST PARTI!

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