La line custom from Gobik for 2023 is based on powerful innovations, especially with the total renewal of the triathlon and running apparel segment, as well as responding to a trend increasingly seen in cycling: more relaxed garments.
However, any account of customization in the brand would be incomplete if it did not go back to the early days, as we can say that Gobik was born with customization and, with him at the helm, continues to this day.
"Every project custom is like a small collection that forces you to constantly improve," suggests Ángel Lencina, from the development of Gobik.

At the beginning of customization
Angel, who has been with the company for seven years now, puts customization at the top of his list of priorities. GobikOf course it's in our DNA and it's still in our DNA". The collection garments were born more or less with his entrance in Gobik and came on the back of knowledge in the customThe brand grew like an oil slick: "From clubs in the area, from Yecla, Albacete, Murcia and the surrounding area, the brand was growing. People began to appreciate the designs and the quality of the clothing at the races I went to, asking about the brand and becoming interested in it."
He himself was a listener to more than a few comments: "When the brand wasn't so well known, I would go to certain races and ask about it, getting a feedback first-hand feedback. I remember a race in Almeria in which Gobik gave a vest We had a tent set up next to the start of the march. A participant came up to us and asked us about the garment, we told him, to his surprise, that it was the version of the basic. If this is the basichow will it be the advanced one? he said.
The presence in events, being seen, added to the fact that many groups and clubs came with the pieces customized by the brand, was making its way among the cyclists.
The customtoday
And so we are in the present: "It's still part of our DNA, no doubt about it. Collectible clothing came later, naturally, but the custom is still the driving force of this house, it's always there". And more and more, I would say, because the map, which one day grew from Yecla to the surrounding area and then to the national territory, now expands to the whole world, with customized projects that we have portrayed in places as distant and representative as Singapore, Miami, Copenhagen, Hamburg or Paris, without forgetting those designed for professional teams, road y mountainbikeof the highest level, which implies "to carry the custom to the highest standards for all to see".
Each custom order usually exceeds ten sets, always with the highest standards. jersey short more bib as a base. "Then come the complements, such as the vestThe next step is the complements, such as the socks, jacket, sleeves, leggings..." Ángel completes.
The custom from Gobik by 2023
Going back to the beginning of this article, Gobik has defined a framework full of novelties for the coming year. "We're talking, broadly speaking, about the total renewal of running and triathlon garments, with new patterns, materials and finishes, and an evolution we're seeing in cycling, with the inclusion of what we're calling a relaxed fita more relaxed fit, because in all clubs there are people who want a less millimetric fit.
In this way, the brand has taken its jersey iconic CX and introduced the acronym RF, which stands for relaxed fitwhich is nothing more than "half a size more to give a little slack to those cyclists who want it," Angel continues. Along the same lines, we have made some adjustments in the bib AbsoluteIn the same line, we have made some adjustments in the shortening the length by two centimeters, so that it doesn't reach the knee, and lengthening the draw with the aim of gathering all the abdominal area".
The changes also extend to the overalls. aerosuits. In this way the "Brooklyn" is based on the " Collection ", i.e. with better fit levels, with changes in the front fabric, more elastic, and the inclusion of a third pocket. The versions for track and cyclocross, i.e. the "Velodrom" and " ", will be based on the "Velodrom" and "Velodrom" versions.MuddyThe "Velodrom" and "Velodrom" versions for track and cyclo-cross have also been improved as a result of the "constant improvement proposed by Gobik Custom ServicesThe "Velodrom" and "Velodrom" versions have also been improved as a result of the "constant improvement it proposes, as it is still a living division on an almost daily basis".