Gobik faces up to depopulation

Gobik planta cara a la despoblación

In a world where every day the result is more important, where goals and objectives are the yardstick for many, Gobik is committed to give value to the road. The road, which sometimes goes unnoticed, is where the Spanish brand has put the focus with the aim of recovering, extolling and using this journey as a point of union between friends.

One of Gobik's hallmarks has been and continues to be the opportunity it gives all cyclists to be unique, not only to feel it, but to make it happen. Under the slogan "Unique kit for a unique team", the brand once again reinforces this commitment to the group cyclist. Gobik's customization service provides many groups of cyclist friends with the possibility of looking unique every weekend, for every place they go, for every road they ride, capturing the essence of each one of them on their skin, on their kit. "Our customization service not only allows cyclists to feel unique, but also to capture their identity in each route, in each peel", "As a long-term commitment to the cycling community and the values it represents, at Gobik we have chosen to give value to the road itself. We recognize that the ride, sometimes overlooked, is where the true essence of the cycling experience lies", commented Alberto Garcia and José Ramón Ortín respectively, CEOs of Gobik.

On this occasion, Gobik wants to go a step further, extolling the value of the road to unite, make visible and fight against a problem increasingly present in this society, the depopulation of many rural areas. To support this initiative, Gobik launches a series of routes on Strava with starting points in different provinces of Spain, France, Italy, Belgium, Germany and the United Kingdom that point out these villages as a waypoint. Villages of unique charm and beauty that are enjoyed daily by barely a hundred, in the best cases a thousand inhabitants and that are just a route away. 

In the same way that Gobik signs on the skin of every jersey custom, it wants this to be the signature of the brand's commitment to and with these endangered villages. Villarroya, Quiñonería, Castilnuevo, Granadilla and Turruncún in Spain, Oradour-sur-Glane, Celles, Py and Roussillon in France, Consonno, Civita di Bagnoregio, San Severino di Centola, Bussana Vecchia and Castelnuovo dei Sabbioni in Italy, not to mention many others that hide incredible places, anecdotes and surprises that can only be discovered thanks to cycling. Unique places where each group will be able to leave their signature, the same one that Gobik captures in each one of their Jerseys. 

In this way, the brand not only raises its voice, but encourages all the groups to leave aside the number of kilometers traveled or the average speed of the output, betting to enjoy another type of cycling, the one that takes you to places never seen, the one that puts you face to face with your environment, your land, your roots. A cycling that fills you with experiences, memories and sensations with your group, unique and incomparable.


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